Sunday, June 22, 2014

DIY Entertainment Center Update

I'm getting closer to the finish line with this project!  I'm not going to lie, I thought this was going to be a breeze to build.  Call me overly confident, which normally I'm not, but in this case I thought I did all my homework, and really felt like this was possible.  Well it's possible, but it's been a headache as well.  The first hickup I ran into was that the wood I purchased was not cut square.  I should have paid attention to the warnings from carpenters on the internet that were complaining that most wood cut at big box stores is usually not cut square due to the machine they use to cut it.    For this project to happen though, I had no other option.  I didn't, and don't own a table saw, nor did I, or do I, feel confident enough to use one.  They are my biggest fear!  Ack!  I ended up consulting with an employee at Home Depot about my options to correct the cuts , and since it was only a half inch at the most that I needed to get rid of, he suggested I just sand the wood down.  Worked as well as anything else I read about as an option and saved me a lot of money in the process, so thank you Home Depot man!  Once I had all the cuts sanded to size I was able to assemble my boxes.  I used the famous Kreg Jig system to assemble the boxes.  What a dream!  It took a few practice runs to get used to, but it was amazingly easy to use after, and I would recommend that anyone considering assembling any wood projects, purchase this system!  I've taken a lot of my free time lately to spend with my family.  With recent happenings in our family I feel like enjoying their presence is much more important than working on this project.  Still, I have been able to bring myself to step away and do a bit here and there over the past few weeks.  So far I've gotten to the point of setting everything in its place and now I'm working on figuring out the trim for it all.  I'm going to guess that if things work out I should be done with this by my birthday.  Only a few weeks away!  Yippee!

Here are a few pictures showing the progress. 

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